
We’ve pioneered E-commerce BPO
in the last decade
You name it, we’ll bring you the lime light

New Era of Platform Economy

We’ve helped Platform Economy giants to realize ideas into practice

In the New Era of Platform Economy, revolutionary changes in the business practice had been brought by both creative ideas and regulatory measures. We have help key platform giants in the region to realize the ideas into practice and adapt to regulatory changes to maximize performance.

  • In the new era of platform economy, BPO is not limited to customer facing service. HKT Teleservices has evolved into command center for major platform giants in the region.
  • Back office process efficiency, information security and AI based analytics are key contributors to success in platform economy. HKT Teleservices has proved to be one of the best partners in the territory.

Catch The Impulse

Success in e-commerce depends on the capability in stimulating and capturing the buying impulse in customers. This could be similar to what has been happening on traditional shop floor.
  1. Things are happening at lightning speed
  2. Customers are looking for tailored stimulants
  3. Customers are communicating via the channel most convenient to them
  4. Customers are trading only in a secure environment

Premium Loyalty Program

  1. Differentiating with service
  2. Encouraging repeated purchase
  3. Acquiring customer information
  4. Facilitating strategy formulation

Successful execution will require expertise including a good infrastructure, an integrated set of system applications, a team of professional representatives, a world class management process and a market proven data analysis methodology.

  1. Strengthening of Loyalty Program to encourage repeated purchase
  2. Operating official e-Commerce platform for efficient market penetration

Brand Image Representation

Brand image representation is critical to premium brands

Customers of premium brands are looking for product and service sophistications; thus brand image and customer experience has to be consistent across all service channels. The recruitment and training of Customer Service Representatives (CSR) has to be tailored to ensure well representation of the brand image desired.
